The Curious Case of Guest Blogging

The Curious Case of Guest Blogging

For those of you who aren’t aware, guest blogging means writing and publishing an article on someone else’s website or blog. It is a two-way street, meaning you can write a post that is to appear on another person’s blog, and another person can write a post to appear on your blog.

It’s a popular belief, today, among big web development companies and business owners alike that guest blogging is the single most important strategy for growing your blog readership and platform.

For those of you who aren’t convinced, take a look at the numerous ways it can put you in a favorable position.

Build Relationships

Adding value by posting on other people’s websites and letting other people post on yours can help establish good working relationships with other people in your niche who aren’t competitors.

This can have a tremendous influence on your social media and can cause an increase in subscriber base. It is also useful for backlinks and referrals.

Search Engine Authority

When you are guest blogging, the host blogger will always have a backlink to your blog somewhere in the post. Over time these backlinks will help you establish a strong search engine authority, making your content easier to find and higher SERP.


Guest blogging allows you to enter an already established community and share your message, while at the same time helping you build your brand.

While it may not happen overnight, if you’re adding value to your host blogger’s community, over time you will see an increase in readers and followers.

Quality Traffic

There are a lot of ways to increase traffic for your blog or website; however you don’t want large traffic accompanied by high bounce rates that can lower your ratings. When it comes to guest blogging, people only opt for visiting your blog if they like what you have to offer. This leads to fewer, but better quality traffic coming your way.

Now that you know how great guest blogging can be, let’s take the next step.

Getting Started

Before you get started, it is important to have a clear idea about what you are looking to get out of the guest blogging experience.  This will help you find businesses within your niche and market that are a good fit for you.

You need to make sure that your guest writers are coming from respected businesses and background. What they have to say should align with your business and brand image.

When you are guest blogging for someone else, don’t just promote yourself but educate your new audience. Adding value and helping people will help you to establish yourself as an authority figure in your field.

Make sure you add a link to the post from your own blog and promote it on social media. It’s also a good idea to respond to comments on the post.

So why don’t you start guest blogging today and see the amazing results yourself!

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