3 BIG Reasons Why You Should Hire a Professional Web Designer

We work with many different businesses of various sizes here at Nextfly. Each has their own specific budget that they have set aside for marketing efforts and when they give us a call, we try to find the best web solution for them based upon that. There are many businesses that don’t have a large budget and often ask us about doing a template website to save money.

We urge them to reconsider this based upon multiple issues clients have had with templates in the past including the following:

1. Templates are easily hackable

When you purchase a template, there are also many other people that have the same website that you might have. Due to this, the code of the website is out there for many people to access, hack into and plant malware. Malware comes in various forms including a variety of forms including computer viruses, spyware, adware and other malicious programs.

2. People can have the same design as you (even your competitors)

It’s understandable that you want to purchase a website for only $100 to $500, but when you buy a website that is out there for other companies to download and use, they’ll do just that!

Ex: You company needs a website for your construction company, Total Home Makeovers. You find a “Construction” themed template that is perfect for you company. It looks great, it’s affordable, and has everything you need at your fingertips.

Your competitor, Lookin’ Good Interiors, finds that same template a month later. To them, it has those same qualities: it looks great, it’s affordable, and has everything they need as well.

Next thing you know, you both have the same website. In return, customers have a hard time telling the two of you apart. You then lose that marketing edge, because you no longer stand out from your competitor.

3.  You get what you get

When you purchase a template there are many design and development limitations that you come across, especially when it comes to the layout of your site. You often can’t make things work the way you envision are are frequently left being told “sorry, this site cannot do those functions.”

With a template site, you are stuck working within the confines of the template, instead of building a website that is build for your company’s exact needs.

Instead of settling for less, get in touch with Nextfly and we can discuss custom website designs that we can build around your company, portray the right image, and work in all the right ways.

Redesign Ready? Key factors to Consider Before you Refresh

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