10 Landing Page Best Practices

Let’s start with the basics:

Landing pages are standalone pages on your site that users arrive on when they click links from emails, advertisements, or other websites. They aim to have the user take some action, such as filling out a form or purchase products/services. Landing pages differ from other pages on your site because they don’t live in the navigation of your website. They have a specific purpose in an advertising campaign to a target audience.

In addition, landing pages can be great for tracking analytics. When a landing page is attached to an ad, you can see the exact traffic coming from that ad. You don’t have to wonder if they saw the ad or if they just came to your site anyway.

Landing pages are important, here are some things to think about:

What are some best practices for building landing pages?

The user is going to see this page first, so the page must stand out if you’re going to keep them on your site and make a conversion. So here are some best practices when you’re building a landing page.

Write Enticing Headlines

Bring the user’s interest in with a well-written headline. Specific keywords can grab attention, such as “free” or “now.” Along with engaging headlines, you need persuasive text to keep them on the page long enough to convert.

Position Call To Actions Above The Fold

The call to action should be one of the first visual elements users see when visiting the page. Unfortunately, because most page views come from mobile devices, it is not always possible. If that is the case, refer to the next tip.

Use Directional Cues To Guide Users To The Call To Action

You may want to use arrows or photos of someone looking in the direction of your call to action. It’s essential to do this when your call to action is not above the fold. Skillfully placed cues encourage users to scroll, keep reading, and convert.

Show The Product Or Service In Use

Video demos can provide useful context for when you offer a service or product that is not widely understood. Showing the user how to use the product or service paints a picture of them using it.

Show Testimonial Proof

Including any testimonials from satisfied customers should be included on your landing page. If you’re able to show that people use and are happy with your product or service, it may make it easier to convince users to also.

Use Bullet Points

Your product or service more than likely has more than one feature, so it’s better to list them using numbers or bullets. Doing so makes your page more reader-friendly because it’s easier on the user’s eyes and more manageably scanned.

Repeat Your Call To Action

Your page may feature a lot of text, and it helps to put your call to action at the beginning and the end (possibly even the middle). The more conversion points you have on the page increases the chance a user will take action, but you have to be careful not to overwhelm them.

Provide Contact Information

Having your information on the page so that users can ask questions will put them at ease. Providing contact information is also a sign of legitimacy which tells customers that you are there to help if needed.

Deliver Your Message With A Video

Not everyone wants to read the entire copy of=n your landing page, which is why video is gaining popularity. That doesn’t mean your website should not have any text. Using both text and video can more effectively capture and maintain user attention.

Test Variations Of Your Page

Use different visuals, call to actions, headlines, and other copy can affect the results of your page. Do A/B tests and experiment with variations and find the one that performs best. You will be able to optimize your landing page more successfully with testing.

Need help creating a landing page? Reach out to Nextfly today. We will help you set up and track your results. 

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