A Day in the Life of NEXTFLY’s SEO Specialist/ Content Writer

A Day in the Life of NEXTFLY’s SEO Specialist/ Content Writer

I start every work day by getting to the office by about 8:50 in the morning. I get to work a little bit early so I have enough time to get my work space set up, grab myself a cup of coffee, or do anything else to get me mentally prepared for the day. 

 Once I am situated at my desk, I look at my assignments for the week and since it is the beginning of the month, I will be focusing on content writing for one of our lovely clients. I start out by looking at the keyword terms my team and I have discussed with the client that will ultimately boost their rating and visibility on Google. When I am writing content I don’t like going into my topics blindly. I heavily research the client I am writing for if they are a new client, the industry they work in, and any other information the public might be interested in reading about. Sometimes I even check out what their competitor might be doing to help them stand out more. After getting the basic information I need, I begin outlining my content pages and creating a rough draft. 

Once I am finished doing that it is usually close to noon, so I take a break and grab some lunch from a local spot nearby. Taking mental breaks is important to maximize efficiency. Whether you write, design, or whatever you do take breaks to rest your mind and let it relax. 

After lunch, I either continue writing or if there are any web edits or updating that needs to be done, I will work on those. Today is one of those days. A client of ours writes a blog and has us optimize it for Google. This means I will edit the content (checking grammar, spelling, etc.) and then plug in the keywords that will boost their Google ranking for the month. After optimizing our client’s blogs, I get back to my content pages. 

Sometimes I need a break from writing in order to deliver better content for our clients. Every writer knows how common writer’s block is it is the absolute bain of my existence. It can be hard writing something new and creative. The creative juices aren’t always flowing and that’s okay. The best trick for me when I get writer’s block is to just step away from writing and do something else. Usually, the best ideas hit you when you aren’t even thinking about the content you need to write or the research that you could look up that would make your content more engaging. 

After I am done writing the first draft I reread what I wrote a few times to make sure there aren’t any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, and I edit it until the content actually makes sense. There have even been a few times when I ask someone to read over my work if they have time to make sure it sounds good. 

Now that the content is written and perfected, I will begin uploading it to the client’s website. I load the content onto a new webpage, include photos that match the content, and make sure it is properly optimized. Unfortunately, there just aren’t enough hours in a workday, so I will finish uploading these content pages onto the website and optimizing them tomorrow morning. 

Now that it is the end of the work day I pack up my things and leave. This has been a day in the life of NEXTFLY’s SEO specialist and content writer. If you are interested in having content written and added to your website, or you are in need of SEO optimization for your website, contact NEXTFLY Web Design today for a free quote!