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Is Organic Search Dead?

When you use a Google Search you will find there are three to four very different sections to find what you are looking for. One of the first you will find is the Ads section. These are paid spots and can have one to 3 different sites listed. The next is the Map section, this generally shows only the company name and reviews. Once you click on one, it will give you the option to get directions, call, go to the website, and more. Under both of those, you will FINALLY see the Organic Search Results. To the right of the results, you may even find a Google My Business Listing.

With all of the options you see, Is Organic Search Dead? The quick answer to the question is no, but is it as important as it used to be? Let’s dive in!

What Is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing your website to display keywords and locations in a way that will allow search engines (ie. Google, Bing, etc) to display your company higher on an organic search. An organic search shows you results from Google’s algorithms that bring the most “qualified” websites to the top of search results. Unlike Pay Per Click (PPC) Marketing, this uses unpaid strategies. An example of an SEO keyword would be “Indianapolis Web Design.” We would use this term (web design) and location (Indianapolis) to pull people who are looking locally for a website design company. The idea is anyone searching for “Indianapolis Web Design” would find Nextfly as close to the top of page one as possible.

Even if your website is not in the top spot, it is still good to be in one of the top 5 spots! Google Search Users are less likely to scroll to the bottom half of the first page. They are even less likely to look at a result past the first page!

What is Google My Business?

If you are a business owner, it is important to set up your Google My Business account. From here you can add your hours, your website, phone number, service, location, and more. This profile is also important since this is where your Google Reviews will be located. Google My Business is also important for your Google Maps listing, which is the second spot you can be shown on a search!

How are You Searching?

More often than not these days, users are using their mobile devices to search. Depending on the subject matter they are searching for, they may be using the Maps App instead of a traditional Google Search. The reason that searches are being performed more often on the Maps App is to find only the local companies! Even if your users are using the traditional Google Search, they still have to view the Google Local listings BEFORE they get to the Organic Search Results.

Is Organic Search Dead?

While organic search is not dead, there other strategies that you should look into doing as well. The more times your searches can find you on a search, the more likely they are do select you out of all the other candidates. Need more information on how you can show up all over a Google Search? Reach out to a representative at Nextfly to learn more today!