How to Write SEO Content

If you’ve spent any time learning about SEO, you’ve heard about content marketing. The goal of writing high-quality, relevant content for the purpose of getting it ranked on search engines is a necessary step in building traffic and gaining customers. However, it’s not enough to just write good content and publish it on your website; you also need to make sure that the rules of search engine optimization are met so that search engines will recognize your site as a valuable resource.

In this post we’ll discuss some basic tips for writing SEO-friendly web copy:

Writing SEO Content

If you’re looking to get more visibility on Google, it’s important to understand what SEO (short for “search engine optimization”) means. SEO is the process of improving your website’s organic ranking in search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing and others.

The goal of SEO is to have your site show up as high as possible when certain words or phrases are typed into a search engine query box. For example: If someone types in “how to write good content on my website” into a search engine, they’d be interested in finding an article that explains how they can do so. This would be considered relevant content because it responds directly to their question—and it’s likely that they’ll click through if it provides useful information!

1. Keywords

Keywords are important for search engine ranking. The more keywords you use in the title, header, and body of your content, the better. You can also use long tail keywords, which are more specific and usually result in a better click-through rate than broad phrases. In addition to using keywords in your content itself, be sure to include them in any links that you create (i.e., when linking out from one page on your site). Finally, make sure that you include any relevant keywords in your meta description as well; this will help boost traffic from Google’s search results pages (SERPs).

2. Crawlability

When you’re creating SEO content, it’s important to think about how search engine bots can access and index your website. This concept is called crawlability. Crawlability is the ability of search engine bots to access and index your website based on its structure and performance.

If your site isn’t crawlable in some way, then it will have a lower ranking in organic search results because Google won’t be able to find as many pages on your site that are relevant to users’ queries. As such, it’s important for you to get familiar with some of the most common reasons why websites aren’t crawlable:

3. Links – Internal and External

Links are one of the most important factors in achieving good search engine rankings. There are two types of links: internal and external. Internal links are links within the same website, and external links are those that link to other websites. It’s important to have both types of links on every page of your site so that Google can easily find all relevant information related to your site’s topic.

Internal Links: These occur when you link content from one page on your website to another page on the same site. This type of link should be used only when it makes sense for users or if there is no other way for them to access the information they need without clicking through several pages or scrolling down long lists (such as “Related Articles”). You don’t want too many internal links because this will make it difficult for Googlebot/Crawler Bots/Spider Search Engine Robots/Web Crawlers Algorithms etc., which use spiders like GoogleBot Markup Language (GML) crawlers and web crawlers technology–to crawl entire sites efficiently without getting stuck in loops where it has already been before; therefore, not being able to crawl all areas at once due lack space available!

4. Clarity and Ease of Reading

Make sure your writing is clear and easy to read.

  • Use short sentences and paragraphs. Shorter sentences are easier to read, while longer ones can be more difficult for a reader to follow.
  • Keep it simple, stupid! Don’t use jargon or overly technical language unless you’re 100% sure that most of your readers understand the terms you’re using. Also, avoid unnecessarily complicated phrasing—your goal should be to make things as clear and straightforward as possible for your audience so they have no trouble understanding what you’re trying to say.
  • Use active verbs instead of passive ones when possible (e.g., “We did something” instead of “Something was done by us”). Active verbs make things seem more direct, which makes them easier for people who might not understand every single detail about what’s going on in a particular sentence or paragraph—and that means it’ll be easier for them to keep reading.
  • When using pronouns like “you,” replace them with real names if possible (e.g., replace “You need this information” with “Jane needs this information”) so readers don’t get confused about who exactly is being addressed throughout an article—and maybe even end up actually taking action based on what they’ve read!

Writing SEO content is not so hard once you know the basics.

Writing SEO content can be intimidating, but it’s not so hard once you know the basics. The best way to learn is to practice, but start with the basics:

  • Use a tool like Yoast or SEMRush to check your text for keywords and readability.
  • Use high-quality images on your website that relate directly to the content you’ve written.
  • Be consistent with formatting (if you write in lists make sure they’re all formatted the same way).

Want Help With Your SEO Content?

Writing SEO content is not so hard once you know the basics. It’s really just a matter of using the right keywords, building out internal links and external URLs, and keeping your content clear and easy to read. These four tips will help you write great SEO content that will boost your rankings and increase traffic to your website. Contact us today and we can help you with all your SEO Content needs.