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Super Bowl Digital Strategies

Growing up I was obsessed with the Super Bowl. Being a Bears fan, you know that this not because my team was a regular attendee of the “Big Game”, but instead I was a huge fan of the commercials.

Due to the overwhelming amount of press releases and teaser trailers for the game, I knew a lot about the commercials before they aired. A lot of “surprise” celebrity appearances were ruined and commercial concepts were leaked. So I decided to take a different strategy in my viewing of the commercials.

I wanted to see what companies developed digital strategies go to along with their commercials. Who was driving people to the web or or mobile immediately after the viewing? Here were a few cool digital strategies I found.

1. Oreo Instagram Campaign – Oreo stood out from the rest of the crowd by having a
commercial that asked “Are you cookie? Or are you creme?” and then referenced their Instagram account. That Instagram account took pictures that Instagram users uploaded and transformed them into sculptures composed entirely of the chocolate cookie or the creme filling. Totally original idea and really fun.

2. Budweiser “Name the Baby Clydesdale” Campaign – Budweiser asked Super Bowl viewers to tweet their suggestions for the baby horse that was featuredin the commercial. This lead to an influx of tweets with the hashtag “#clydesdales” and the naming of two Clydesdales Hope and Stan.


3. “#theskiss” Campaign – The strategy of this campaign was simple. Get people to talk. I heard often in my advertising classes that “no publicity is bad publicity” and this is definitely the case with GoDaddy’s Super Bowl commercial. The commercial with a geeky guy making out with supermodel Bar Refaeli might have disgusted a lot of people, but has gone viral and brought in over 100 million views. I have go give them credit where credit is due. This campaign has not just taken over twitter with its #thekiss hashtag, but has taken over the whole internet. True digital dominance.