What is your “Pick Two”?

Two of the most asked questions, when selling a product/service would be: Are we able to save any money & How can we save more on what you have proposed for us? As a business owner or paying customer, there are many areas we are most worried about. Will there be a good return when redesigning our digital marketing strategies? Are we getting the “best bang for our buck”? Is it going to be worth it in the end? I hope after speaking with us (or even utilizing our services), your answer will be yes! As an  Indianapolis Web Design Company, we strive to have the most competitive prices as well as high client satisfaction.

As a consumer, I want to know that my money is being spent the correct way. I want to know that I am spending the least amount of money possible, while still getting a quality product. Unfortunately, that does not always happen. There are three things to always keep in mind: Schedule, Scope, and Cost. What if I told you, of these three you had to pick two. However, there may be small ways around that! My best advice is to read the reviews if you are looking at a product or services. You will want to make sure that the reviews are quality as well as the reviewer.

When you look at the three variables to proposals, which are the most important to you? You could have an inexpensive site, that is launched in a quick time frame, but what does that mean for quality? On the other hand, you can have an affordable product, with a longer time frame, but ends with a quality product. Finally, you could design something quickly, that has a quality product, but it may not be inexpensive. This should always be kept in mind when reaching out to potential vendors. Set your expectations, but also keep in mind where you may have to compromise.


To me, the schedule is the most important piece, for digital
marketing. Most of the time, if you are already researching vendors, this is because you already know when your project should be ready. For example, you might be a landscape artist and you know your busy season is coming up in early spring. For this landscape artist, he knows that he will want to start engaging his clients during the last few weeks of winter, while his clients are starting to do research on how to update their property for the BBQ season! This would mean he would want adequate time to have his new website to be designed, built, and tested. That being said, he would want to start work on his project two to three months, before he wants his customers to find him!


The next one that is important for me, is Scope. What do you want your result to be? To get this idea you should find out the requirements to get to your final product. This would mean that the same landscape artist may have to gather images of his work, put
together detailed information on what services he offers, and have thorough conversations back and forth with his website designers with his ideas. The scope of his digital marketing strategies may also include who he wants to find his page, what does he want his site to do, what is the effectiveness of his website, and many more!


Then final one that you have all been waiting for is cost! To many of our clients, this may be the most important part deciding their digital marketing plans. Most consumers have a set budget that they can work within. Here at NEXTFLY, we determine cost based on the resources we will be using, packages of multiple items, labor that will be utilized, and others. One of our first questions that we ask, is what is the budget for you. With this question, we can create ideas to bring your project to life without breaking your bank!

The next time that you are pricing out vendors, make sure you remember the “pick two”. Do you want your project to be fast and cheap, fast and good, or good and cheap? At Nextfly, let us help you with the scope of your project and within your budget. We cannot wait to help your company achieve it’s ideal digital marketing presence, and would love to know your “pick two’s”!

Feel free to contact us to today so we can find out!