Where to Go For These Errors!

While there are quite a few website errors that you can fix on your own, there are also many that have to be fixed by your web developer or server team. In some instances, your web development team could also be your server team. Therefore, having a reliable team behind you can make all the difference between having your website down for a few minutes or a few hours. It’s important to know which errors to take to someone else, and who to go to!

Common Website Errors

  • 500 Internal Server Error or Internal Server Error– This is a general error when the server can tell something, is not right, but can not figure out what it is. This means that your server team may need to do some digging to make sure your site is back up quickly.
  • 503 Service Unavailable– This error can come up when your server can not process the request to load your website. The two reasons that this can happen is when there is server maintenance or your server is overloaded. Usually, this is resolved on its own, but if you come back in a few minutes and your website is down it is safe to reach out to your server team.
  • 401 Unauthorized or Authorization Required This occurs when you have gone to a page that requires a password. There besides getting the password/authorization for the page, there is nothing to do here.
  • 403 Forbidden- If your network has antivirus blockers or your computer has antivirus software, this error may come up if the website is trying to install harmful files on to your computer. This can also be caused by poorly built security plugins. You will want to reach out to your Web team and your Server team to make sure there is no harmful content on your site.
  • 404 Not Found ­This error will come up when you have gone to a page that is no longer is on the website, the URL has changed, or you typed in the wrong URL. If you believe your URL is correct, you will want to reach out to your web developer to look into this.
  • Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1234567 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2348617 bytes) in/home/username/public_html/site1/wp-includes/plugin.php on line xxx – Just like a phone or a computer, your web server needs plenty of memory to be able to run all of its applications at the same time. When your web server does not have enough memory, this can cause the website to crash. When you see this error, you will want to reach out to your server company to have them increase the memory size of your server.
  • This Site Ahead Contains Harmful Programs- This happens when Google finds code that could be viewed as harmful such as Malware or Trojan. Usually, when harmful code is added to the site it is caused by a hack that sends the malicious code to anyone who lands on the page. It is important that you reach out to both your web development team and server team to comb through, find, and remove this code.
  • MySQL Errors – These errors are from the server and could include one of many. You will want to reach out to your server team if you see any of the following:
    • Access Denied
    • Lost Connection to MySQL Server
    • Password Fails When Entered Incorrectly
    • Host Host_Name is Blocked
    • Too Many Connections
    • Out of Memory
    • Packet too Large
    • The Table is Full

Contact Nextfly Web Design for Your Website Errors

Whether you only built your website with us or you host with us as well, we are more than ready to help if you have an issue with your website! If you do not know if you can fix the error on your own or if you need some help, do not hesitate to reach out.

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