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Social Media Myth 4: If You Put Something as “Private,” it Totally Is.

Spicy Beef TacosPrivacy is an issue all over the internet. Just last December, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s sister posted what she thought was a private photo on Facebook and it spread across the internet right after its release.

By posting something on social media – you must know that it has the potential to land in the wrong person’s hands.

Have you ever heard about the Library of Congress’ “Web capture” project?

This project was started over a decade ago and assembles Web pages, online documents and news articles, which typically cover events such as presidential elections, natural disasters and the terrorist attacks.

“What does that have to do with me and my business?” you are thinking.

Well, did you know that the ENTIRE Twitter archive is a part of it?

Not just historical data is being documented, so is that picture of the Taco Bell employee that got fired who licked a stack of new hard shell tacos.

This being said – pay close attention to what you say on your companies social media sites. Be professional and take caution. Make your social media presence be a proud archive of hard work and dedication to the industry you serve.