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Julie Takes on Code: What I Learned

Coding was once considered unnecessary. Something that you leave to web developers and designers. They are the ones that’ll do all the work for you. This is not the case today. Content Management Systems allow website users the opportunity to go into the backend of a website and make both minimal and significant style and formatting changes. Due to this, having a basic knowledge of CSS and HTML is becoming important for marketers and business owners.

When I first started at Nextfly Communications, I had a very basic knowledge of HTML. I had absolutely NO knowledge of CSS. When I’d go into edit the code of a website, I always made sure to copy and paste the whole coded page to make sure I didn’t “break anything”.

Luckily, this is not the case anymore.

I have just reached the end of the road of the Web Fundamentals course on Codecademy. During the course, I was taught the based building blocks of website development by utilizing both HTML and CSS.

More specifically I learned the following:

  • The basic language of HTML including adding images, formatting headings and paragraphs.
  • Customizing an HTML page. Including developing lists, styling fonts and background colors.
  • The development of tables, divs, spans.
  • CSS styling of the websites. (How to make a website look purdy!)
  • How to group CSS selectors into Classes or by a single ID.
  • CSS Element Positioning and how to control where HTML elements appear on a page. This involved learning margins, borders, padding, and floating. Also, absolute, relative and fixed positioning.

I’ve learned a lot by utilizing Codecademy, but I still just have a baseline. There’s plenty to learn. Codecademy has sparked my interest though. It has ignited a fire inside of me to continue to learn more.

In conclusion, I urge both small business owners and marketers to learn a basic knowledge of code. It will help you become more self-sufficient and much more confident. Codecademy is a great platform for you to get started. It is both educational and fun.

For me, the road to becoming a Coding Wizard has just begun. I have plenty to learn. Next up:

Code School.

Let’s do this!