Digital Marketing Strategies For your Website

Have you ever been on Facebook and seen a product or service that has peaked your interest? Has there been a time where you were scrolling through a news article and notice an item or company that you had looked at previously? These are all examples of Digital Marketing through Google and Facebook. Right now there are almost as many cell phones (6.8 billion), as there are people on this earth (7 billion). What better way to mass advertise than online and social media marketing in their variety of forms.

Digital Marketing with Pixel Remarketing

More times than not, a user will come to your website to look into a product/service and then leave without an action. These actions that are not being utilized can include; making a purchase, filling a contact form or signing up for a newsletter. Usually when this happens, the consumer or guest is in the investigative process. You may not be the only company they are looking into because at that point, they may just be performing their research. That is where Pixel Remarketing comes into play! A pixel (a small, invisible piece of code) is embedded to the homepage on your website. This pixel then turns into an ad that your viewers will then see appear in different areas such as Facebook, etc. This pixel will show up as an ad on Facebook and Google for 30 days after visiting your website. Remarketing keeps reminding your website guest about your company while they are still researching other businesses. Keeping your business in the forefront of their mind, will drive more traffic to your website.

Facebook for Digital MarketingFacebook Digital Marketing

There are 10 different types of Facebook Digital Marketing campaigns you can choose from, depending on your objective. If you are trying to get awareness out there, for your brand, you may want to use a brand awareness campaign or an engagement campaign. An engagement campaign targets Facebook users that are most likely to comment, share, or like your post. We have found that having an Engagement Campaign and Remarketing Pixel is the best way to direct people to your page and then redirect them to purchase or book a service.

If you have an application that you want users to find and download, the app install campaign is perfect for you! There is also a campaign that will advertise the product a consumer has looked into, and its similar products. Another marketing objective that is great for your website is Facebook’s Traffic campaign. This campaign targets users that will leave Facebook to look at a website.

All Facebook Digital Marketing Campaigns

  • Brand Awareness
  • Reach
  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • App Installs
  • Video Views
  • Lead Generation
  • Conversions
  • Product Catalog Sales
  • Store Visits

Google AdWords Digital Marketing 

Google marketing strategies are very similar to that of Facebook. Comparatively, Google wants clients to have the opportunity to create the perfect campaign for the prospective clients.

Search Network These digital marketing ads are targeted towards people who are actively looking for your specific product or service. This includes within Google’s own website and also with their Search Partners, such as Amazon, AOL, and Ask. When searching for certain keyword terms that you have targeted within your AdWords campaign, your ad has the possibility of showing up amongst search results. These could potentially bring your company and its offerings to the forefront of searches.

Display Network  Your ads will show up as text ads, banners, and video ads on over a million news sites, blogs, and articles.

Shopping Network This campaign type is used mainly for companies that have an online storefront (Ecommerce). These ads will show within Google Shopping and when other search results are triggered.

Video Network  These ads are very similar to the ads that you see on YouTube; however, you do not get charged every time an ad starts. If a viewer chooses to skip the ad, you will not be charged. For the Pre-rolls ads, the user will need to click on the video to visit your website.

App Network Similar to Facebook, these campaigns are fantastic if you have an application in the App Store for download. These campaigns are geared towards younger users and are focused primarily on promoting your app.

When creating these ads, you want to be sure that you have engaging content. In addition, you also want to be sure that you are creating relevant landing pages to your website.

We Want to Know More About Your Digital Marketing Needs

There are a variety of different options you can take when building a digital marketing strategy. I hope that this blog gives you a good foundation for conversation when discussing with a digital marketing professional what the best strategy for your company might be. Contact us to get started today!