Blog Writing

Have you decided to add a blog to your website but don’t know where to start? Or do you already have a blog and think it could be better? Look no further. With NEXTFLY’s Blog Writing Services, receive guidance from an experienced team and take advantage of all the benefits a blog can bring your business.

blog writing services add helpful content to websites image shows man typing on laptop

Advantages of Blog Writing Services

Blogs provide your audience with more information about your company and the services you provide. The more content on your site, the better. Not only does blog content give your visitors more to read, but it can also help you increase your position on search results. See below.

By creating blog posts highlighting relevant keywords, your website provides search engines with more keyword-filled content. This can help you earn higher rankings from search engines and increase the likelihood that potential customers will see your site in search results.

Consistent blog posts give you material to share on your social media accounts to lead followers back to your website. Blog readers can also share the content with their networks.

By creating more content to be found via search results, social media, or the simple sharing of links, you provide more opportunities for Internet users to access your website.

An informative and well-written blog will help potential customers feel more confident in your products or services. Like search engines, customers want to see that you know what you're talking about. A blog allows you to build customer loyalty and trust, which translates into repeat customers.

Credibility, improved search rankings, and an increased number of visitors correlate to more leads for your business. Companies with blogs generate an average of 67 percent more leads than companies without blogs.

Blog posts provide additional opportunities to present your calls to action and supply convincing reasoning to users.

Blogs allow a personal and more informal voice to your content, which will help differentiate your site from your competitors. When prospective customers come to your site, they're expecting you to sell yourself through industry knowledge and products/services. Your blog is an opportunity to share why you’re different and highlight the reasons you’re the best choice.

A blog is more than just an easy and cost-effective way to share valuable information with customers; it’s a measurable marketing tool.

blog writing services can increase website visitors image shows graph about number of visitors with and without blogging

Blog Writing Services That Benefit Your Business

At NEXTFLY, we produce quality blog content that informs your customers and positions your website for search engine success.

How This Happens

First, we’ll collaborate with you to outline key topics and identify the target audiences most likely to read or share your posts. We’ll then draft a content calendar. Depending on your budget, we can write as frequently as you need, whether it’s on a retainer basis or ad hoc.

Then, one of our skilled writers creates the blog posts. These blogs are written to captivate your audience with engaging and industry-relevant information. They’re also constructed with search engines in mind, using researched keywords and key phrases throughout the content. The blog content features a format that makes it easy to read and includes images to provide visual interest.

No one will know that a third party is involved. We strive to use your messaging and voice to make the blog posts a seamless addition to your website.

Once a blog post is published, you own the content and can share it wherever and with whomever you wish.

Finally, we’ll build an analytics report to demonstrate how the blog posts perform. This way, we can measure what’s working and what can be improved in future posts.

Ready to add a blog to your site? Or do you have an existing blog that you want someone else to manage? Look below for some blogging best practices and contact the NEXTFLY team. We’d love to start putting our blog writing services to work for your business.