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Website design basics: Keywords and keyword phrases can make or break your site

Websites. Everybody these days seems to have one whether it’s for a business, an organization, an affiliation with a sports or political team.  Maybe a hopeful Ebay-like auction or a money-making Google pay-per-click website. You name it, they’re out there. Some of these websites are home-spun do-it-yourself websites created for free from an online instant […]

Small town businesses needs a ‘big city’ web design approach

Why would businesses in a town the size of Duluth, Minnesota (population 85,000 according to its 2007 census estimate) need a big-city Nextfly approach when they have companies in their own communities to build websites for them? It might seem illogical. What would a big-city web design company possibly know about business in a smaller […]

Business website floundering? Try George Clooney-izing

There’s an amazing phenomenon out there which, at first glance, seems hard to comprehend. It’s a phenomenon called George Clooney. Everybody knows George.   Women go crazy over this guy.  Men wish they could be him.  Even teenagers rave about being George Clooney fans. If you stop and ask elderly women on the street, odds are […]

New home businesses can’t afford to make this big mistake

A military couple I know is currently in the process of transitioning their careers from active duty to civilian life by starting a home-based bakery business. James and Antoinette are hoping that by the early part of 2012, they will be able to comfortably roll their efforts into a successful operation. So far, they’re doing […]

Better internet practices mean better business – now and in the future

What is your business doing to stay ahead of the game in these rapidly changing times? If the answer is, “Not much,” you’d better start getting busy. All businesses, including big brand companies like Best Buy, Reebok, McDonald’s, and many others, know only too well how crucial it is to have their “go-to teams” completely […]

Getting the scoop on web design from Brett Beck at Nextfly

Every now and then, I get the chance to catch a couple of minutes with the Big Guy here at Nextfly. While the others might be busy jaw-jacking about the latest news on CNN or how the  Colts are doing, I slide right up in there and shoot Brett Beck of Nextfly, a few good […]

Social networking isn’t nirvana when it comes to website success in marketing

At one time or another, we’ve all been smitten with one social networking website or another. Facebook.  Twitter.  Ning.  Meetup.  LinkedIn.  Bebo.  Blee.  Blah.  Bleu. You know what I’m sayin’. There are so many out there that you start feeling as if you are either pimping your website through these social outlets (hyped by these […]