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Common Website Mistakes

common website mistakes

Having a website is essential for almost every business. That is why it is crucial to avoid these Common Website Mistakes. Do Not Assume that Longer Pages are Best. It is important to have enough content for your audience to stay interested, but if there is too much text, then users will lose interest. Using too […]

Do I Need Add-ons For Elementor?

Here at Nextfly, there is a running joke that I must own stock in Elementor. I am the biggest advocate for it. While I wish that was true, I most definitely do not. Those that do have the right idea though! They have invested in a WordPress Builder that has HUNDREDS of Free themes available. […]

DDoS Attacks; What are they and How can they be prevented?

DDoS Attack

DDoS attacks (Distributed Denial-of-service) have become increasingly common in the last few years and even more so over the previous year. Netscout announced findings from its bi-annual Threat Intelligence Report; that there was a record-setting 10,089,687 DDoS attacks observed during 2020. That brings up questions; what are DDoS attacks and why they should be concerned about them. What are […]

Building Your Dream “Home”

You could not imagine the number of calls I get where a client or even a potential client says, “I have a website already, but I was hoping you could make it look better.” Very few times this means that they have to two small edits that could take less have 5 hours of work. […]

SSL Certificates, Their Importance, and How to Get One.

SSL Certificates

SSL Certificates are a crucial tool for your business’s website. An SSL Certificate is the backbone of your website’s security because it protects sensitive information on your website. Having an SSL Certificate provides your customers with trust that your website is safe for them to use. Although this the main reason for having one, there are many other reasons. SSL […]

Web Design and Web Development

What is the difference between web design and web development? If you are trying to build a new website, then you are probably asking that question. While the two concepts are different, there is a cross-over in skills that web designers and developers use. It would be hard to find a web designer that doesn’t do […]

Nextfly’s Step By Step Design Process

While a lot of the individuals who call into Nextfly already have websites, there is a great number of people that call in that don’t. Many of these people do not know where to start. Even individuals that already have a website may have the wrong expectation of what the steps are and how long […]

Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Having a poorly performing website cause a business to lose customers, and no one wants that. Web design combines form and function in a way that makes the site enjoyable, navigable, interesting, and usable. That is why we’ve put together some common Web Design Mistakes to Avoid. Web Design Mistakes to Avoid No Clear Call […]