July 5, 2017

Optimizing Your Customer Testimonials: Truth or Myth?

As consumers, we don’t trust new businesses and rightly so. When a product does not match up to its claims, it can cost the customer a lot more than the price they pay for it. Phoenix web development companies will tell you this is where testimonials come in. They help provide credibility and establish trust. […]

SEO Rankings Went Down? Here’s What You Need to Do

When you witness a sudden decrease in leads and sales, the first thing you should do is check your website’s analytics report. If you see a distinct loss in traffic, your SEO rankings could have gone down. Let’s look at some of the reasons as to why this could happen and ways to cope up. […]

How to Optimize your Website for Mobile SEO

The world is rapidly shifting towards mobile phones. This is quite evident from the fact that one out of every 4 web search comes from a mobile phone user. As the mobile usage is growing, the marketers are getting smarter to optimize the mobile sites through implementing the mobile SEO. The mobile SEO is somewhat […]

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