Billboard in the Desert

Billboard in the Desert

Is your company building billboards and putting them in the desert?

This idea may seem funny but the real truth is many companies are building beautiful websites only to sit in a “desert like” area of the internet.  With no real eyes on your new “billboard”, you may as well be advertising in the Sonora. 

We all know that the ideal place to put up a billboard is along a major highway.  With many views each day, your website can become the face of your company.  Being seen by thousands of people Here are a few items to think about after you’ve hired a web developer to create your beautiful new website. 

Step 1 – SEO   Make sure that the web developer you hire is well-versed in search engine optimization.  there are many developers out there who are well-versed in WordPress along with other platforms to develop websites. But, not many developers are skilled enough to understand proper SEO to help their clients promote traffic to the website.  search engine optimization is a very detailed and scientific process mostly centered around the structure of your website in the content within. Make sure the developer that you higher can cite you specific examples of proper SEO techniques and previous success stories. Having your website show up at the top of search engine rankings is key for any business and is something any skilled developer should be able to help with. While great search rankings don’t happen normally overnight, make sure your developer puts a plan together for you that delivers results on a weekly and monthly basis. Proper SEO will put your website at the top of the rankings and your billboard next to the highway. 

Step 2- Marketing with AdWords.   A good partner in the web design business should also be proficient in helping their clients create effective advertising. Google AdWords uses a pay-per-click structure that is designed to drive traffic to your website and marketing materials. make sure your web designer is reliable and will deliver effective advertising along with analytics reporting their successes and adjustments. Our Phoenix web design firm provides weekly reporting on the effectiveness of the ads we create for our clients. AdWords campaigns should be created with results in mind and their success should be very obvious. 

Step 3 – Write a weekly blog.   While this may be hard to do and time consuming it is one of the most effective strategies to keep fresh content coming to your website. A blog could also be used through social media to promote clicks and viewers. Have your company nominate one person each week to write a blog and publish it to your website. this is a highly effective in-house strategy to bolster your SEO and get your search results climbing in the right direction. 

Step 4 – Have a strong social media presence.    Use the blog to publish to all of your social media streams.  Gain a following, get known, become popular, build your brand.  These tasks may seem time consuming but with the right amount of discipline, you can move your billboard next to the highway!

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